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Kara Marquez - Skomer May 2017

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This was the first photography workshop I've ever taken, and I was skeptical about what I would learn. I was soon impressed, though. First, Andy was knowledgeable not only about photography but also the history, geology and wildlife of the island.

Second, the entire day was well-organized and informative. The first part of the day was spent reviewing camera settings - not just what settings to use, but why. Coming from a film photography background, I learned quite a bit about digital photography and the settings on my digital camera. Andy also reviewed lighting and composition basics to work on during the day.

The rest of the day was spent putting our knowledge to use. Even though the day started out foggy and remained overcast, I was able to produce many wonderful images of the charming puffins.

After lunch, we shifted gears to try our hand at photographing puffins in flight, which is much more difficult than it might seem beforehand. The best part of the photography portion of the day was the one-on-one guidance from Andy. He helped us get the most from our cameras and from the less than perfect weather conditions.



When I return to Pembrokeshire, I will definitely make time for another of Andy's workshops!

My tips:
1. bring sunscreen and a hat, even if it's overcast
2. bring a light rain jacket, just in case
3. bring plenty of water
4. pack a lunch (and possibly some light snacks)
5. be prepared for a rather steep set of stairs and some light/moderate hiking on the island trails
6. bring extra batteries and memory cards for your camera



  Skomer Island Photography Workshops Dinefwr Stackpole Photography Workshop St. Brides Castle
  Manor House Wildlife Park Photography Workshops Grassholm Island Photography Workshop WWT National Wetland Centre Skomer Snorkel
andy davies photography & video tel ++44 (0) 1269 871870 Mobile: 07977 562321 andy@andydavies.info